Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao’s Office for Research, Development, and Innovation (ORDI) held its second Writeshop on Scopus-Indexed Publication last June 8-9, 2023, at the Mapúa MCM Auditorium for its High School and College faculty.
In line with the institutional goal to generate at least 50 Scopus-indexed journal articles by 2023, the continuation of the Writeshop on Scopus-Indexed Publication provides an avenue for Mapúa MCM faculty members to effectively transform their existing research outputs or topics for Scopus-indexed publication.
Dr. Gernalyn Logrosa, the head of ORDI shares a progress update since the first Writeshop was conducted. “The Writeshop Part 2 produced 45 paper drafts which is higher than Part 1, which produced 26 paper drafts in January. This activity is just the beginning since there are post-Writeshop activities that ORDI will conduct to further support all MMCM faculty and administrators. Since the Scopus target is an institutional objective, the support of the Deans and Principal are needed especially in monitoring that the produced drafts from the Writeshop would be successfully submitted and hopefully accepted in Scopus-indexed journals and conferences.”

Plenary speakers Dr. May Anne Mata, Dr. Michael Angelo Promentilla shared their expertise on publishing research papers with the participants. The first speaker, Dr. May Anne Mata, spoke on Undergraduate Research Mentoring, and how to boost academic publication through undergraduate mentorship.

Dr. Michael Angelo Promentilla shared his knowledge on several topics such as best practices on converting thesis into journal paper, research experience from the Social and Environmental fields of study, tips on assessing the quality of capstone for Scopus-indexed Publication, and converting undergraduate/graduate student thesis paper into journal papers.
The faculty discussed and shared their own expertise with each other. Breakout lectures and writing sessions were also conducted for all of the college programs to help them effectively assess the quality of prospective papers for publishing.

As mentioned by Engr. Alejandro H. Ballado Jr, Mapúa MCM Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in the first Writeshop, there is a research dissemination grant and incentive from Mapúa MCM. The institution will show full support in helping the research become published. It is the initiative of Mapúa MCM to give recognition and incentive grants for every published paper or output in Scopus index thru financial aid.
Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. It provides a comprehensive overview of worldwide research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities