Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao

SDG 14: Life Below Water

Mapúa MCM actively participates in research and initiatives related to watershed management, water conservation, and collaborative efforts for water sustainability. Through these endeavors, the institution contributes to the protection and preservation of marine ecosystems, thus supporting the broader global agenda for sustainable development.



The Marine Litter Project: Schools Provide Research Solutions for Marine Litter in the Philippines

Research Publications

Short Communication: Marine litter ingestion by a Bryde’s whale (Balaenoptera edeni) in Mindanao, Philippines, and the need for consistent longterm recording of singleindividual strandings

Authors: Neil Angelo S. Abreo, Darrel D. Blatchley & Kirsten F. Thompson

Link to the published paper

Stranded whale shark (Rhincodon typus) reveals vulnerability of filter-feeding elasmobranchs to marine litter in the Philippines

Authors: Neil Angelo S. Abreo, Darrel Blatchley Michael Dann Superio

Link to the published paper

Social media as a novel source of data on the impact of marine litter on megafauna: The Philippines as a case study

Authors: Neil Angelo S. Abreo, Kirsten F. Thompson, Glio Florgiley P. Arabejo & Dann A. Superio

Link to the published paper

Wild lobster (Panulirus ornatus) fry fishery in Balete bay, Davao Oriental: Catch trends and implications to fisheries management

Authors: Edison D. Macusi, Manilyn E. Laya-og & Neil Angelo S. Abreo

Link to the published paper

Survey of subtidal anthropogenic marine debris (AMD) in Mayo Bay, Mati City, Davao Oriental, Philippines

Authors: Neil Angelo S. Abreo, Edison D. Macusi & Lea A. Jimenez

Link to the published paper