In celebration of the Math and Science Month of September, the Senior High School department of Mapúa Malayan Colleges Mindanao organized a set of month-long activities to not only enhance the students’ skills and learnings in math and science but to also strengthen awareness in this month’s celebration theme: “Math and Science for the People: Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Development”.
These activities ranged from a School Eco Project to an Amazing Race competition and various other contests that would showcase students’ skills in analytical and logical thinking like the Rubik’s Cube competition and Sudoku Challenge. The contests were separated into Morning and Afternoon sessions and finalists would be chosen from these batches to go toe-to-toe on the Math-Sci Culmination Day held on September 30, 2019 at the MapúaMCM Auditorium.
On the day of the Culmination, SHS students and faculty gathered in celebration. The day began with Opening Remarks from none other than the Senior High School Principal, Dr. Flora Mae C. Yparraguirre, Ph.D, who began her speech with a lesson and reflection on the effects of Math and Science and how these are tools in helping ensure the sustainability and protection of our environment. She rings out a call to action for every student to take a stand and work hard for the future of their generation and the generations after them, and asks this through thinking on the theme for this month:
“My dear students, listen well. The word ‘people’ pertains to you, specifically, because you are the shapers of the future. Whatever it is that you prepare today will be the reflection of what you can provide for the community five to ten years or fifteen years from now…”
With this, the Math-Sci Culmination Day 2019 program had officially begun. Students were further pulled into the event with an amazing opening salvo performance from the Malayan Dance Company, and then the final deliberation began for the School Eco Project wherein different sections from Grades 11 to 12 presented their eco-project through a short video presentation. The Top 3 video projects from the morning and afternoon sessions were presented. The Morning Session saw XII – Krypton, XII – Iron and XII – Radon as the Top 3 and the afternoon session announced XII – Bismuth, XII – Nickel and XII – Mayo. The final winners are XII-Krypton for the AM session and XII – Mayo for the PM session. Then, the fun interactive games began with the Paper Plane Contest, various Minute to Win It challenges and the finals for the Sudoku and Rubik’s Cube competitions.
Winner of the Paper Plane contest for the morning session is XII -Pascal and XI – Faraday for the afternoon session. For the Sudoku finals, wherein five student representatives go head to head in solving a 9×9 diagonal sudoku puzzle, the 1st place winners are Adrei Ortillano from section XII – Helium for the morning session and Kathleen Eliseo from XII – Nickel for the afternoon session. For speed and good spatial-reasoning, the Rubik’s Cube competition set everyone on edge as three sections from the morning and afternoon sessions battled it out for the shortest time to solve a Rubik’s Cube. The winner for the morning session with a solve time of 16.31 seconds is Francis Angelo Gamutan from XI – Watt. Winner of the afternoon session, with a solve time of 20.94 seconds is Regelio Galito from XI – Faraday.
The activities participated in by the students were not only fun but exhibited a certain scientific and mathematical lesson that all the students had learned in their classes. The Tilt-A-Cup Minute to Win It challenge, for example, demonstrated inertia and the Paper Plane contest placed emphasis on aerodynamics and how to ensure ideal flight through weight, force, and resistance. Through these activities, our students could fully immerse themselves in situations wherein they have to apply what they’ve learned.
After all the games, it was time to present the fashion works done by the Sinilayan: Malayan Art Club through the Nature Walk. The Nature Walk was a fashion show organized by the Senior High School Art Club in support of the theme on environmental protection and sustainable development. Students modeled painted-on clothes designed by the Sinilayan Art Club that showcased their interpretations and thoughts on the environment.
The day had eventually come to a close with the recognition of winners from the various games and contests conducted during the month and finalized on the Culmination Day. With this, we ended the activity on a positive note; uplifting the student body with a message on the importance of Math and Science, how to apply their learnings and on how to help the environment and create sustainable solutions for all.